If you’re busy and have kids
I totally understand how you feel!
This is me doing a coaching call while my youngest was working on his school project.
Thank goodness for LED lamps! 🙂
If you have a question, you can ask me for help
Tony C. recently asked me
How to use online ads to generate leads?
Great question!
You’re going to discover why this is NOT recommended
and what you would need to do if you really wanted do this
—– Lesson of the Day —–
7 Reasons Why You Should NOT Do Online
Advertising for Network Marketing
I highly recommend you DO NOT advertise to generate leads online for your network marketing business.
Here are some reasons why:
1 ) Less than 1% of Leaders Do It
There’s a saying that copy what leaders do
and out of over 700 top leaders interviewed on MLM Nation
there were probably less than 10 people who actually did their own advertising
2 ) You Can’t Advertise Network Marketing
Almost all platforms prohibit any advertising about network marketing and home businesses.
The only way around this is to advertise content and helpful tips around a certain subject
3 ) You Must Put Out Consistent Content Each Day
People who see your ad will click on your profiles and websites to see if you’re trustworthy.
People will not trust you if you don’t have tons of consistent content
If you put out content,
you might as well get free leads instead by using The CLAM Formula
4 ) You Need a Website
No one will trust you if you don’t have a website with consistent content
It costs money and time to build a site
5 ) You Need to Have a Big Budget
It’s not even worth considering doing online advertising if you don’t plan to spend at least $500 a month
Your first month may also lead you to zero results
since successful advertising requires constant adjustments and testing.
6 ) Takes Tremendous Amount of Time
By now you probably realized it takes tremendous amounts of time and money to setup a successful ad campaign that generates leads
and we didn’t even talk about converting those leads!
If you can’t close them,
then all that money will go to waste
7 ) Get Free Leads Instead
Instead of spending all that money and time
do what top leaders do
and get free leads instead on social media.
You can simply use The CLAM Formula to find new contacts everyday.
Key To Success with Social Media Recruiting
You have to get people like you and trust you.
and if you’re not sure what to post everyday
the easiest content to create is to teach what you’ve learned
Below are 2 good videos on how to get unlimited prospects online
LIVE DEMO – How to CLAM on
Focus on the simple ways to generate leads
and not online advertising
It’s way harder than you think
and is the reason why leaders don’t do it.
Not to mention…
It’s not duplicatable!
—– Consistency Pep Talk —–
Selling Your Vision
As an entrepreneur you must sell your vision everyday!
You must sell it to your prospects, customers
and most importantly
you must sell your vision to YOURSELF
When you’re down and out
the only thing that keeps you going is your VISION
Watch the full pep talk on Facebook or Instagram
—– Toolbox —–
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MLM Nation Mastermind is a unique group for network marketers who want to get to the next level faster
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