Rob Sperry and Simon Chan talk about how to stand out and attract successful people into your network marketing business. They talk about the concept of the Purple Cow and what made them unique
Rob Sperry is a passionate, purpose-driven entrepreneur who has been full-time in network marketing since 2008.
He’s reached the highest rank in his company, been a consultant and is one of the top trainers in the profession.
Rob has been featured in national and international books, podcasts, blogs, articles, and magazines specific to finding success in network marketing and runs the Leaders of Leaders Mastermind every year.
Rob teaches people around the world how to live balanced lives of growth and contribution. Based in Utah, he is happily married and raising 4 kids.
He’s been featured on numerous publications and has been featured on MLM Nation podcast numerous times
Topics Covered
How to Stand Out with Your Marketing
Seasons of Life
Recommended Books
Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles
Contact Info
Rob Sperry on Facebook, Instagram and
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