Maria Meriano shares the real truth on what it takes to be successful in network marketing. Tips and strategies from industry legend
Maria Meriano was born in Italy and migrated to Canada. She’s a 7 figure earner and leads a team of over 50,000 members. In her career, she and her team has sold over $1 billion worth of products.
Maria is also very active in women’s empowerment. She does inspiring seminars, been honored at International Women’s Day and also spoke at Harvard University’s Women’s Enterpeneurship Day.
Maria is a wife, mother to 3 loving children and live in Montreal, Canada.
Favorite Quote
Who do you have to become?
Recommended Books
7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey
The Greatest Salesman by Og Mandino
Success Principles by Jack Cansfield
Recommended Online App
Recommended Prospecting Tool
Personal Message
Maria Meriano’s Contact Info
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