Bajaj Chetak 35 Series Launched: Bajaj Auto on Friday, December 20 launched a new affordable electric scooter – Bajaj Chetak 35 series – in India. The series includes three models: Chetak 3501, 3502, and 3503. While the new electric scooter retains the classic look of the earlier Chetak, Bajaj has made several upgrades, including key technical changes, said the company. The new Bajaj Chetak offers an improved range, greater storage space, and a more comfortable ride compared to its predecessor.
Bajaj Chetak 35 Series Launched: Price, Battery
The upgraded Bajaj Chetak now comes with a floorboard-mounted battery. All three models are equipped with a 3.5 kWh battery pack. The pricing for the models is as follows: the Bajaj Chetak 3501 is priced at Rs 1,27,243 (ex-showroom), while the Bajaj Chetak 3502 is priced at Rs 1,20,000.
Bajaj Chetak 35 Series Launched: Range, Charging Time, Boot Space
One of the standout features of the new Bajaj Chetak is its impressive range. On a single charge, it offers a range of 153 km. The scooter also boasts quick charging capabilities, taking just 3 hours to charge from 0 to 80 percent. The Chetak features a metal body with a steel frame and provides a generous 35 liters of boot space.
Key Features of Bajaj Chetak EV
In terms of features, the Bajaj Chetak EV comes with a smart touchscreen console, document storage, a music player, and the ability to make calls and receive notifications. The scooter also includes a speed alert system and geofencing technology, which allows you to track the scooter via a mobile app. Additionally, the scooter offers mobile charging facilities.
Company’s Statement
Speaking about the launch, Eric Vas, President, Urbanite Business Unit, Bajaj Auto Ltd., said “The Chetak ’35 Series’ represents our continued momentum in the electric two-wheeler market, where we’ve solidified our leadership position in the recent months till date. This flagship series is strategically designed to resonate with younger riders, offering cutting-edge technology along with neo-classic style. Our comprehensive product range now ensures that there is a Chetak for every rider.”