Community Advertising Private Growth and What to Focus On



Solomon T. asked me

How to become the BEST networker?

What Type of Training Should You Focus On?

There’s so many things you need to be good at in order to be the best

and it’s very easy to get overwhelmed with the amount of trainings out there

You’re going to learn 2 important concepts today

—– Lesson of the Day —–

What Is the Most Important Skill for You Right Now?!

There are so many things to learn that it’s easy to get overwhelmed

Here is the first important concept

“Just in time” versus “Some other time”

Every training or personal development can be categorized as either:

a) Just in time!

The exact skill you need to learn to help you become unstuck this moment

b) Some other time!

This is for trainings that will help but not the most important thing right now.

You save these for some other time

How to Decide What to Focus On

Do you need help with social media?

Or with presenting?

Or closing prospects?

Go back to the list of income producing activities and see which area you’re weakest at.

If you don’t know what those are

Here is THE DMO that you can use

THE DMO (Daily Method of Operation)

THE DMO is your daily routine of mandatory things you must do in order to be successful.

Here’s the Daily Checklist

Here is what each number and letter stands for

3 → Create 3 Pieces of Content

5 → Meet 5 New Contacts a Day

5 → Invite 5 People to Look at a Presentation

5 → Follow-Up With 5 Prospects that You Sent Invites To

3 → 3 Prospects to Watch a Video or Attend a Presentation or 3 Way Call

If you’re weak at all these areas

then I suggest you start with social media

because how you brand yourself will help you in the other 4 areas

If you’re not sure how to attract better people

the following video will help

There are so many things to learn

but focus on the skill that will make the biggest difference right now

—– Consistency Pep Talk —–

Do What’s Unpleasant

You’ll never be successful if you only do what you like to do

You have to do what you NEED to do even if it’s unpleasant ❗️

Successful people do things that Unsuccessful people don’t do

You know the things you don’t like to do?!

Successful people also don’t like to do them but they do them anyway!

and that’s why they’re Successful.

Do what you need to do today!

Watch the full pep talk on Facebook or Instagram



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