Natalie Robison shares how you can succeed as an introvert in network marketing. She gives tips on recruiting, staying consistent and team building
Natalie Robison was a stay at home mom with 4 kids before she got started with her current company.
Her mom was a full time leader and free car earner in a network marketing company for over 24 years. Despite growing up in network marketing, Natalie struggled for years until she finally made it big.
Today she’s a multiple 6 figure earner leads a team of over 30,000 distributors and hundreds of thousands of customers.
Favorite Quote
“Whether you think you can or can’t, either way you’re right” (Henry Ford)
Recommended Books
Direct Selling for Dummies by Belinda Ellsworth
Getting Over Your Damn Self by Romi Neustadt
Direct Selling Success: From Amway to Zombies by Randy Gage
45 Second Presentation by Don Failla
Recommended Online App
Phone camera
Recommended Prospecting Tool
Face to face, phone, sample (all depends on person)
Natalie Robison’s Contact Info
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