I was inside my batting cage in my backyard sitting in silence on Monday
That’s kind of like my “man cave” where I go and reflect
Where do you go to reflect and think?
Thanks for all your support for this newsletter.
It’s fun to write and also get the feedback.
Big shoutout to my friend Dan B for his comment on Tuesday 🙂
onto today’s lesson
Carribbean C ask me yesterday…
How to train future leaders who feel pressure?
You’re going to learn some important leadership lessons today on how to train downlines
—– Lesson of the Day —–
How to Train Your Team the Smart Way
Don’t make the same mistake I did and push your team too hard
You always have to train them at the level they’re at.
One of the 4 keys to retention and duplication is fulfillment
and if you push people too hard
Some can be pushed hard…
some can’t handle that pressure and they will quit
Don’t make these common mistakes
Step by Step Approach to Training Your Team
How do you know if you’re training someone the right way?
Here is how you do it.
Step 1: You Give Them a Task
For i.e. make a list of 20 prospects
Afterwards 2 things can happen
Scenario 1: Downline Does It
If they do the task,
then you give them the next step or something harder.
In this example,
you would give them a script and have them send it to the 20 prospects
Scenario 2: Downline Does NOT DO It
The downline didn’t do what you ask them
and there are only 2 reasons for this
Reason 1: They’re lazy and don’t want it
Reason 2: They have lack of skills or lack of mindset
Reason 2 is usually the common reason why people don’t do what you asked them to
Their lack of mindset create fears and overwhelm.
they feel they don’t know what to do and this paralyzes them
If this happens,
it’s pointless to give them the same task
What you have to do is
give them something EASIER to do
For example,
The new task can be to simply go over a training that teaches them how to invite
send them a motivational audio to encourage them
Whatever you do,
the new task has to be EASIER than the previous one.
It can’t be the same one because they won’t do it.
Step 2: Give Them a Second Task
2 things can happen again
Scenario 1: Downline Does It
Then you give them the next step
or give them more of what you just gave them (reach out to another 25 people)
Scenario 2: Downlines Still DOES NOT Do It
The reasons are the same.
They’re either lazy and don’t want it
or it’s because of lack of skill and confidence
You repeat Step 2 with an even easier task
Who to Work With
As long as the team member shows initiative and desire
then you keep working with them
If you feel they’re just giving excuses after 3 times
then you stop working with them 1 on 1
and just send them to the group trainings.
The ones who are lazy and make excuses always quit regardless of how much time you spent on them
Remember to work with those that DESERVE your time
If Your Downlines Feel the Pressure
Back to Carribbean’s question about dealing with downlines who feel the pressure…
They feel pressure because
1) They don’t really want it
If this is the case,
then you just let them be where they’re at
Don’t make the common mistake and push them so hard that they’ll quit
2 ) They want it but they have fears and limiting beliefs
They need more mindset and skills training
As they grow their minds and improve their skills
they’ll be able to handle the tasks and won’t feel the pressure
Take a Step by Step Approach
If you take this simple step by step approach
you’ll be able to train and develop new leaders better
—– Consistency Pep Talk —–
What You’ve Attracted
Things always happen twice
First in your mind and then in reality
Whatever you’ve attracted in your life is because of how you see yourself
→ It’s not what others say, your lack of experience or your past that defines you.
Successful people all know that the only thing that matters is how you see yourself❗️
If you want to be successful, you have to start seeing yourself as successful and act like a successful person.
Be and you will become!
Watch the full pep talk on Facebook or Instagram
—– Toolbox —–
The Most Hands On Mastermind Coaching in Network Marketing
Consistency Champions Club is a unique group for network marketers who want to get to the next level faster
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