Lauren McQueen shares her 3-2-1 System that creates network marketing success. Focus on the basics and doing them consistently each day
Lauren McQueen was 19 and a college student when she got started in network marketing. She didn’t do much and was basically just a customer until her senior year when she had an eye opening meeting with her academic counselor. She learned that she would have to take out $120,000 in loans in order to get a masters degree just so that she can sit behind a desk 9 – 5 everyday and be a registered dietician.
At that moment Lauren decided to go all in her network marketing business and by the time she graduated from college, she was earning more than she would have had if she had gone to grad school.
She became a 6 figure earner only to lose it all when her company changed their compensation plan in 2019. She eventually got a job and then realized how good she had it back in network marketing so she got back into the profession.
Today Lauren is a full time leader and lives with her husband in Austin, Texas.
Lauren is also the author of a devotional book called, “A New Day: Connect with God, Walk with God, Know God.”
Favorite Quote
Find someone that has what you want and do what they DO!
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